Who We Are
About The Alliance
The Beaver Watershed Alliance was formed in 2011 to establish programming to maintain high quality drinking water in Beaver Lake and improve water quality on the Beaver Lake Watershed. The Alliance represents a diverse stakeholder group from conservation, education, water utilities, technical and science, business, agriculture, recreation, and local government groups working together for the cause of clean water.

To proactively protect, enhance and sustain the water quality of
Beaver Lake and the integrity of its watershed.
The Beaver Watershed Alliance was formed in 2011 to establish programming to maintain high-quality drinking water in Beaver Lake and improve water quality within the Beaver Lake watershed. The Beaver Lake Watershed Protection Strategy (Strategy) guides watershed management actions. The Alliance represents a diverse stakeholder group from conservation, education, water utilities, technical and science, business, agriculture, recreation, and local government groups working together for the cause of clean water.
“…our future will be primarily dependent on the preservation of our greatest natural resource… the water from Beaver Lake.”
Lane Crider,
CEO Beaver Water District
Water Quality
Water quality in Beaver Lake is good, and the Alliance is working proactively to protect it from degradation. However, there are threats to water quality in the watershed identified in the Strategy, and these priority issues include:
- Streambank erosion and loss of riparian area
- Hydrologic modification resulting from land-use change due to rapid urbanization
- Nutrient and sediment pollution from pastureland, urban landscapes, and construction sites
The Alliance seeks a balanced approach to address causes of pollutants entering tributaries and utilizes local resources, leverages local, state and federal funding and builds partnerships to advance the Beaver Lake Watershed Protection Strategy.