Beaver Lake Water Quality Monitoring Plan

Project Synopsis A proposed water quality monitoring plan for the Beaver Lake Watershed that was developed in 1990 by the Arkansas Water Resources Center for the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The basic premise of the proposal was to establish a database of water quality measurements throughout the subwatersheds of the Beaver Reservoir in order to better understand and ascertain the importance and influence of natural and man-made impacts on water quality. The overall goals of the plan were to perform point and nonpoint source nutrient load accounting for Beaver Lake Watershed and to provide guidance in establishing the effectiveness of implementing BMP’s within the Beaver Lake Watershed. The project was limited to the basin drainage area south of the bridge crossing the lake at Highway 12. The nutrient loading values from the various sources were intended to be determined. Additionally the water quality in the upper reaches of the lake were to be monitored to establish and correlated water quality with various land use management practices.


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December 20, 2021