Watershed Success Story – War Eagle Creek Watershed Initiative
The War Eagle Creek Watershed Initiative (WECWI) has been active since March of 2023, to advance landscape-scale conservation and provide source water protection for more than 550,000 residents of Northwest Arkansas. War Eagle Creek is the largest tributary in...DOI Visits NWA for War Eagle Creek Project
Repost from DOI https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/secretary-haaland-highlights-presidents-bidens-investing-america-agenda-arkansas Secretary Haaland Highlights President’s Biden’s Investing in America Agenda in Arkansas $4.4 million investment will reconnect...EPA Region 6 Visits NWA
Congressman Womack recently invited EPA Region 6 Administrator, Dr. Earthea Nance, and staff to NWA to visit both the Beaver Lake watershed and Illinois River watershed efforts. Dr. Nance had a full itinerary but started the morning out at Beaver Water District.
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