Spout Spring Branch Project Underway

Spout Spring Branch Project Underway

A new project has begun at Walker Park in Fayetteville to restore Spout Spring Branch and the urban forests around the park with opportunities to engage the local community in volunteer efforts throughout the restoration. Plans include restoration of 3,300 feet of...
DOI Visits NWA for War Eagle Creek Project

DOI Visits NWA for War Eagle Creek Project

Repost from DOI https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/secretary-haaland-highlights-presidents-bidens-investing-america-agenda-arkansas Secretary Haaland Highlights President’s Biden’s Investing in America Agenda in Arkansas $4.4 million investment will reconnect...
EPA Region 6 Visits NWA

EPA Region 6 Visits NWA

Congressman Womack recently invited EPA Region 6 Administrator, Dr. Earthea Nance, and staff to NWA to visit both the Beaver Lake watershed and Illinois River watershed efforts. Dr. Nance had a full itinerary but started the morning out at Beaver Water District.